Tuesday, July 12, 2005

http://download.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/swflash.cab#version=6,0,0,0" width="550" height="400" id="draw" align="">http://five.flash-gear.com/draw/drw.php?f=1&id=43028&a=919926845"> name=quality value=high>http://five.flash-gear.com/draw/drw.php?f=1&id=43028&a=919926845" quality=high scale=noscale salign=LT bgcolor=FFFFFF width="550" height="400" name="draw" align="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspage="

Saturday, February 19, 2005

IT'S ME!!!!!!!!!!

Just kidding.

I just made an accout on www.livejournal.com. It's just 'cause I have friends there, and it's cool to have two different journals on the 'net. I'm still on here most of the time, though. Anyway...the dance was great. The Napoeon Dynamite Dance for the Portland High Talent Show, I mean. I'm now a schoolwide celebrity. Life is awesome. People want to marry me. Wow. I'm so cool.

www.gizoogle.com: Best. Search. Engine. Ever. I'll provide you with a gizoogle translation of the above blog for you shizzies out there:

Its me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

just kidd'n.

i jiznust mizzle an accout on www.livejournizzles. its jizzay cause i have n(beep)z there, n its coo` ta have two different journals on tha net cuz this is how we do it. im stiznill on hizzy M-to-tha-izzost of tha time, though puttin tha smack down. anyway...the dance was great fo yo b(beep)h a(beep)s. tha napoeon dynamite dance fo` tha portland hizzay mad skillz show, i mean cuz its a doggy dog world. im now a schoolwide celebrity. life is awesome. thugz want ta marry me. wow. im so cool.www.gizizzles: best crazy up in here. search fo gettin yo pimp on. engine . Fo'-fo' desert eagle to your motherf(beep)n' dome. eva , n(beep)z, better recognize. ill provide you witta gizoogle translation of tha above blizzay fo` you shizzies out there.

It's a crazy site. I love it. I plan to post more often, being on school vacation. Comment on my frickin' posts, god%%#%#it! I don't do all this for free!

There's a website out there with the video of my dance on it. Only a select few people know where it is. I'll leave it to you shizzies to find it. I feel like frickin' Jay Bulworth here.

Friday, January 14, 2005


I just got the character designs for each of the four main cast members of Running Out completed! That means I won't have to sit around wondering how to draw them anymore! I know this doesn't make much sense, and I know I should be posting this on my RO blog, but I don't care! I know how to draw Gabrielle Stoddard perfectly! She' s only in two or three scenes, and she dies 3/4s of the way through the book! I can't wait till April! Let's do the time warp again!

Sunday, January 09, 2005

Chickity China the Chinese Chicken

Like Harrison Ford I'm getting Frantic.

I just listened to the song "One Week" by Barenaked Ladies. Cool song. I'm also watching this movie-The Jungle Book. But this one was made in 1994 and directed by Stephen Sommers (The Mummy, Van friggin' Helsing). It's good-I like to watch it every once in a while. When I was little, my favorite part was the ending, with the bad guys getting picked off one by one (Quicksand, salt trap...). I don't understand why it's so unknown-it seems to have been a hit in theaters. Oh well. I also watched Collateral and I'm reading The Cobra Event (The book that made Bill Clinton paranoid). I'm gone.

Friday, January 07, 2005

It's 10:00 and I'm falling asleep...

Just watched Shaun of the Dead. Bill Nighy is the coolest guy ever. I'm getting a fever or something, so my throat is sore. Dunno what's happening with Patricia; she's one of those manic depressive (In a good way) people that are happy and eccentric in one second, then tired and depressed in the next. I'm actually like that. I just don't display it (As much). I REALLY want to get her to cheer up, someway, somehow. She's a big anime fan, not as big on movies (As I am). She has some very good friends, though, that she should be very proud to have. But life is cool. I just beat a level of The Incredibles videogame on my little brother's gamecube. And...I'm getting more well-known throughout the school (Yippee!). School's good. I got elected to art manager/editor in chief of the Racquet (Literary magazine). I have to study for a %$%&&#$$# test on Ordinary People. The teachers, though, are great. Except for one class. Science. I'm in all honors classes except for science. And college science is full of slackers; we're not getting anywhere. I'm gonna try to move up to honors science. Well, at least I'm not in science workshop or something. I also have been practicing The Entertainer on the piano for over a month; I can play it really well, better than my mom. That's it for me. See ya tomorrow.

Thursday, December 30, 2004

I'm back again...

It's been what, three years since my last post? Actually, more like three months. I'll keep you updated on Running Out. The script (concept) is over halfway done now. The story takes place in only 2 1/2 hours and I've got 1 hour and 25 minutes completely figured out (not all in a row). I still hope to have the novel finished by April.
Let's see...I didn't get much to write home about for Christmas...I did get a lot of good stuff, though, including this puzzle which is made of iron. You have to remove a piece from the puzzle. It's kinda interesting. I also got the 'scene-it' DVD game.
I bought the Billy Madison/Happy Gilmore collection on DVD yesterday. I plan to watch Billy Madison tonight. I know a guy from it. Josh Mostel (The guy who plays Billy's principal who develops a crush on him; son of Producers and Fiddler on the Roof star Zero Mostel) lives next door to us on Monhegan Island, up by Port Clyde (Yes, we have two houses but we're not THAT rich). He's cool.
That's about it. See ya.

Friday, October 15, 2004


I just had a whole essay about my school typed up for you, but it disappeared. It just disappeared. Now I'll have to write it all over again.
I'll just do it later.

I'll tell you about my graphic novel instead.
It's called Heroguy, and it's about a kid who grew up in Death Valley. Born into a secret underground tribe, he was always overshadowed by his twin brother. He gets super powers, though, and uses them to save the tribe when his brother goes crazy.
He moves to Portland, Maine, and with the help of his lawyer (modeled after me) he becomes Heroguy, protector of Portland. He meets a woman, Eileen, who he falls in love with. All the while, he has to contend with Mr. Vandershteebenhoeben, an evil demon running for governor and his henchman, Wilson Burgoyne. This book is a superhero parody/political satire. It's pretty funny; I was in the paper for it.

But seriously, I'm really disappointed that my last thing I typed got completely erased. I spent half and hour on that thing.