I just had a whole essay about my school typed up for you, but it disappeared. It just disappeared. Now I'll have to write it all over again.
I'll just do it later.
I'll tell you about my graphic novel instead.
It's called Heroguy, and it's about a kid who grew up in Death Valley. Born into a secret underground tribe, he was always overshadowed by his twin brother. He gets super powers, though, and uses them to save the tribe when his brother goes crazy.
He moves to Portland, Maine, and with the help of his lawyer (modeled after me) he becomes Heroguy, protector of Portland. He meets a woman, Eileen, who he falls in love with. All the while, he has to contend with Mr. Vandershteebenhoeben, an evil demon running for governor and his henchman, Wilson Burgoyne. This book is a superhero parody/political satire. It's pretty funny; I was in the paper for it.
But seriously, I'm really disappointed that my last thing I typed got completely erased. I spent half and hour on that thing.